Evans Whispering Pines, LLC Christmas Tree Farm 1538 North 400 West, Danville, IN 46122 Phone: 317-745-3146 • Email: gevans4010@aol.com
Beautiful hand made & decorated wreaths
shipped directly to your door! Available only during the holiday season.
About Evans Whispering Pines, LLC Christmas Tree Farm
We started growing Christmas Trees in 1983 and have been selling trees since 1989.
We expanded the farm, in 1990, from the original 13 acres to 53, by buying an additional 40 acres across the road from the farmstead. Here at Whispering Pines, we the Evans family are planning ahead into this new century with new ideas and a new generation to continue our pledge to our customers of quality and service in the years ahead. We are a large full service Choose and Cut Christmas Tree Farm in Hendricks County, Indiana less than 20 miles from I-465 on the west side of Indianapolis. We also, have a large Wholesale Wreath Department. We are open, everyday 9am-6pm, from the day after Thanksgiving to DEC 21, every year. Come say, Hi! to Ferdinand, our Llama, also see our potbelly pigs and pigmy goats. Start your family tradition this year.
Owners; Joe and Rita Evans
Members of the Indiana Christmas Tree Growers Association
We have a Choose and Cut Christmas Tree Farm with self or full service (same price)
* Choose From; - Scotch or White Pine or Norway Spruce available in the field. - We provide hayrides to and from our fields across the road. - We have saws for you to use - You can cut or we will cut for you. - Fresh Pre-Cut Fraser and Douglas firs at the barn for your convenience.
* Freshly made Wreaths and Garland for your selection - We can also make a wreath especially for you. - Please call ahead for larger sizes. - Wholesale wreath pricing is also available.
* FREE Hole Drilling - for Standstraight Stands
* Disposal Bags, Baling and Tree Preservative
* GIFT SHOP - Unique assortment of Holiday Decorations and Gifts for your Christmas Season.
* Visit SANTA - 1st and 2nd Weekends of December - Saturday and Sunday from Noon to 4pm
Map & Directions
Directions to Evans Whispering Pines, LLC Christmas Tree Farm from Indianapolis, IN Take exist #13B (Rockville Road (U.S.36W) off I-465 on west side of Indianapolis. Go west on Rockville Rd (U.S.36), about 13 miles, through Avon to Danville. Continue west on U.S.36, 3.25 miles west of Danville, to the Rainbow Apartments on your right. Turn Right on 325W, follow road 1.75 miles, Turn Right onto 400W. Go to 2nd farm on left.
Evans Whispering Pines, LLC Christmas Tree Farm 1538 North 400 West, Danville, IN 46122
Phone: 317-745-3146 • Email: gevans4010@aol.com