Making your first appointment
Directions to the office
I look forward to hearing your story and beginning the counseling relationship. Call me when you get the chance.
Worry, Panic and Social Anxiety Specialist
Do you find that worry or physical symptoms of anxiety stop you from enjoying your life? Would you answer "Yes" to any of the following questio....
For couples struggling to find a way out of negative interaction patterns, I offer focused 80-minute therapy sessions. The work is intense, and of....
Do you know what you are truly capable of? Do you understand that Self-Discipline is the key that unlocks your true potential? Read more....
When you are ready to take your life to a whole new level.
Beating Anxiety Attacks
Psychological research guides psychologists in develo-
ping an understanding of the complexities of the mind,
and the patterns that the mind ....
Making your first Appointment
To make an appointment, call 1-866-300-8116. Select
option 2 at the voice prompt and your call will be
forwarded to my cell phone or....
Directions to the Office
My office is located at 6337 Central Avenue, Porta-
ge, IN 46368. It is in the Peach Tree Plaza before
Hamstrom Road if you are tra....
If you have a health insurance plan that covers
mental health services and you would like to use that
benefit, please call your insu....
Make an online payment here:
To pay for your counseling sessions or coaching
sessions by credit card or a paypal account, click
the button below. You will be taken to PayPal's
secure website where you can enter your credit
free social anxiety self-help info:
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