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Bosley McKown & Bratch
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Looking for help with your claim for Social Security disability benefits in Indiana? Call Bosley McKown & Bratch: 1-866-974-0705.
Address1320 Johnson St Marion, IN 46952
Phone(765) 668-7531
What they aren't telling youThe VA recently announced that it is easing the requirement for proving stressors in PTSD claims. However, in order to take advantage of the relaxed standard, ONLY A VA DOCTOR CAN MAKE THE DIAGNOSIS!!!! This is just another example of the fox guarding the henhouse. For years we have been fighting cases where VA doctors misdiagnosed worthy vets calling their PTSD a preexisting personality disorder or an adjustment disorder (these conditions are not entitled to service connection). We tried to tell the VA that limiting the diagnosis to VA doctors was outrageously unfair but our comments were ignored.
What does this mean to veterans
The VA MAY accept your stressor and send you for an exam with A VA doctor. If you are not thoroughly prepared for this examination you may say the wrong thing and the result may be that the examiner will say your stressor is not sufficient for PTSD, you have a diagnosis of a mental disorder that is not entitled to service connection (personality disorder, adjustment disorder), or the doctor may simply minimize the impact of the PTSD with the result being a very low rating even if granted.
What should veterans do
Don't go it alone. It is important to contact a skilled representative to make sure that your claim is not denied due to a report from a biased VA doctor.
Affect on other claimsWe are also concerned that in the near future the VA will try to expand this requirement of accepting only VA doctors' opinions to other non-PTSD such as Agent Orange related conditions, back and neck injuries, etc. If a veteran is not represented by experienced advocates, many valid claims will simply be denied and dropped by the veteran's who don't understand why.
Obtaining the Disability Benefits You Deserve
With the economy the way it is, with the cost of what seems like everything increasing, with more jobs disappearing and more workers being laid off every day it can be hard enough, even in good health, to support yourself.
Let alone raise a family.
If you are trying to cope with a mental or physical disability at the same time, the burden is just too heavy for one set of shoulders to bear.
At Bosley, McKown & Bratch, we help individuals who are struggling to deal with disabilities of all types get the help that is out there and available the help that the United States government and the American people intended them to have.
Nationwide, we have helped disabled military veterans in Indiana, Michigan, Florida and in more than 20 other states obtain every benefit they are entitled to and afforded by law.
In the state of Indiana, we help Social Security disability claimants (SSDI and SSI) and disabled veterans to successfully navigate the confusing rules and requirements laid out by the Social Security and Veteran's Affairs administrations.
Putting an Experienced, Dedicated Legal Team on Your Side
Although you are not required to have a lawyer to obtain Social Security or veteran's disability benefits it can certainly help a great deal. If you have already spent some time trying to make your way through either of those bureaucratic mazes alone, you know what we mean by that. If you haven't, we urge you to consider saving yourself the extra time and trouble, and to take advantage of the assets we have to offer instead.

Focus: Because our practice is dedicated almost solely to disability issues, we know the pitfalls and can steer your claim clear of problems that will delay your benefits.
Resources: We have a professional investigator on staff and have developed a large network of physicians and other medical specialists who assist us in our work. Also, our firm's leadership within the National Organization of Veterans Advocates provides us with access to the very latest VA law changes.
Proven courtroom skills: The experience and success our firm has had in litigation increases our effectiveness at the administrative level.

We are here and ready to help you obtain the disability benefits you deserve. For a free consultation call us from anywhere in Indiana or the United States at 1-866-974-0705 (toll free) or take a few moments to send us an e-mail.

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We will occasionally post current information of veteran related topics in the space below as well as things are firm is doing to protect and promote veterans' rights.
We are pleased to announce that we have opened a new office in St. Petersburg, FL. The office is near the Bay Pines, FL VA Medical Center. Click on the Contact tab for more information. In addition to Florida, we continue to represent veterans all over the country and places as far away as the Phillipines, Germany, Italy, and Guam.

The VA has finally published its proposed regulation that will make certain rare types of cancer, Parkinson's Disease, and Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) presumptively service connected for Vietnam veterans.

There are several websites offering to assist veterans with their VA disability claims, but the websites do not list the advocates names who will be representing the veteran;

Bosley McKown & Bratch is pleased to announce that attorney Edward Farmer has joined to firm. Edward will limit his practice to our ever expanding veterans disability group. Edward is also an Iraq combat veteran adding to our firm's history of military service. In fact, all four attorneys in our veterans disability practice either have served in the military.


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