We are excited to share the wonderful things God is doing at Solid Word! We have introduced this site as an avenue through which God's message may be conveyed not just to the Solid Word church membership, but to all who wish to learn the truth of Jesus Christ. We invite you to worship with us on Sundays at 8:00 or 11:15 am!
We now have all our sermons available online. Check out our new podcast on iTunes also!
We now have just finished a powerful 9 part series on worship entitled God's Handbook for Worship!"
A Message from Pastor M. Troy Smith
Investment Inventory (pt.3): Who has Your Attention?!
Investment Inventory (pt.2): How is my Walk?!
Investment Inventory (pt.1): How is my Maturity?!
We are studying the book of Exodus.
Weekly every Thursday at Noon or at 7pm
Join us for prayer 30 minutes before Bible Study
Solid Word Bible Church4374 W. 52nd Street
Nov 02 06:00pm - 07:00pm
Hospitality Ministry Meeting