Request an Estimate Today
Our goal is to deliver the best possible service at the lowest possible price. Call us at (219) 462-3210 for your FREE estimate today, and we'll show you why we're the #1 company for your #1 lawn!
Convenient, quick, and easy! Pay online by Credit Card, Bank Account, or Paypal Account.
Just Added - New Information about Best Lawn Practices and Common Lawn Problems
Visit our Lawn/Turfcare page for several new articles about things you can do to help your lawn and common turf diseases and problems to be aware of.
How to Choose the Right Lawn Care company
Check to see if the company and its employees who will be servicing your lawn are licensed, trained and insured. There are many new companies offering low prices, but are they qualified to give you recommendations and treat your lawn?
Check out our Tree & Shrub Program!
Aeration Season is Here!
Aeration is an important part of your lawn's health, so don't miss out! Call (219) 462-3210 or contact us for special pricing this season.
White Grubs may be in your area and could soon be eating your lawn! Call (219) 462-3210 or contact us to schedule your Grub Applicaton NOW!
Make Money with Referrals!
You can make money just by referring a friend or neighbor to our services! Give us a call to find out how!
Hutson, Inc. is a dealer of John Deere residential and commercial lawn mowers, tractors and farm equipment. We also sell and support Stihl handheld and Honda power products.