About St. John Lutheran
We are excited to be able to share with you our faith in Jesus Christ and the caring ministry that takes place through Him at St. John. Jesus Christ is our life and our hope. Christ is the center of our faith, life and teaching. We invite you to learn more about St. John, what we believe, and what opportunities await you.
Monday Friday 8am 4:30pm
St. John Lutheran Church and School is located in the southeast corner of Marion County, Indianapolis (near Beech Grove and Wanamaker).
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Traditional Worship in Sanctuary
Sunday Christian Education
Classes for Children and Adults
"New Song" Contemporary Worship in Dwelling Place
God's Mission for St John
Lutheran Church and School:
God's forgiveness through Jesus Christ in worship and witness.
God's people for works of service, empowered by the Holy Spirit,
God's love into our communities and world through caring and sharing.
Branches and additional offices:
(317) 787-54745555 S Arlington Ave Indianapolis, IN 46237-2366