Welcome to the Tooth Truth Web site! The new and updated book, Tooth Truth, by Dr. Frank Jerome, is now available. Please check the Order the Book section for details.
The dental profession, through its leadership, has generally ignored or denied the truth about the risks of using mercury and other metals in fillings. Therefore, this book has been written directly for the consumer, their patients. It is hoped that consumers will decide with their dollars what type of materials and procedures they really want once they are better informed. It is time to reexamine what dentists do and for better choices to be made.
This book is your call to action. Tell your friends about the problems with current dental practices. Spread the word to anyone who will listen...This is your opportunity to directly contribute to the health of all Americans.
Unless presented otherwise, the opinions and conclusions expressed in this book are mine and mine alone. They are based upon observations that I have made while practicing my profession. Please understand that I cannot be responsible for any adverse effects believed due to the use of information in this book. You should be guided by your own dentist or physician, whom you may wish to educate by providing a copy of the Tooth Truth book. Dr. Frank Jerome.