Our goal is to provide you with a reliable pooper scooper service at a reasonable price.
Welcome To Our Web Site!
Try us for 4 weeks at $5.00 a week with coupon (1 dog rate) That's $20.00 for 4 once a week visits. Lowest price in town. Multiple visits and or multiple dogs qualify for a discount too! Not valid with any other offer.
No Contracts - Insured - No Hassles - Service Dawn to Dusk
Poopie Puppies is a pet waste removal service
covering Central Indiana.
Our goal is to provide you with a reliable pooper
scooper service to remove unwanted pet waste
products from your lawn at a reasonable price.
This service enables you to better enjoy your
lawn for those outdoor activities your family
Removing of waste by products also helps to
prevent disease transmission, embarrassing
accidents, and finally allows you to have clean
shoes when you come in from lawn!