Central Indiana Commuter Services is a federally funded CIRTA partnership. Our mission is to reduce air pollution and traffic congestion. CICS offers alternative transportation solutions to area employers and commuters in Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Morgan and Shelby counties, such as: carpooling, vanpooling, riding transit, biking and walking.
Let someone else drive you to work.
Share the ride to work with one or more individuals.
Biking and Walking
Get in shape while going to work.
Share a van to work with 7-15 people.
You'll be surprised to see how much you are spending to commute to work each day.
Save on taxes, increase employee retention and reduce absenteeism.
Taxi Service and airport shuttle in the Edinburgh Indiana area servicing taxi cab needs in the greater Indianapolis area as well as Taxi cab services in Edinburgh Indiana and surrounding areas