Welcome to our home on the internet. We provide certified DuraCoat finishing and parkerizing of small arms and sporting equipment. We are also authorized for retail gun sales.
Class III Dealer
We do all transfers - including Machine Guns & Suppressors
DuraCoat is the latest in firearm finishing technology. No other commercially manufactured and packaged firearm finishing system has the combination of versatility, durability, and user friendly characteristics of DuraCoat. We have an ever expanding line of standard colors. DuraCoat can also be custom tinted to any color on the planet Duracoat comes in a standard matte or semigloss (HK) finish. We can custom manufacture sheen level. DuraCoat can be applied to ferrous metals, alloys, synthetics, woods and more. DuraCoat can be used to create endless effects - ie: texturing, shadowing, etc... . DuraCoat dry film thickness can be varied from .25 to 1.5 mL.
This extremely durable, oven-cured enamel which can be applied in as little as 15 minutes, provides the ultimate in protection and can be used on ferros metals, alloys and plastic.
DuraHeat High Temperature Coating
This high performance one part coating is capable of withstanding temperatures of up to 1800'F. At high temperatures, DuraHeat becomes harder and more abrasion resistant. Cures at room temperature and is tack free in less than an hour, parts will cure for use in 24 hours and full cure is achieved in 5 days. Easily applied with airbrush or automotive spray gun.