Today's world is not the same world we shared with our parents. Technology has changed the way we do business; in fact, technology has created business at a rate unparalleled in all time before. The rate of growth in technology has been phenomenal, matched only by the rate of change in the tax code. And, as in the case of technology, it takes experts to help you keep pace with the changing financial landscape.
We are a local firm established in 1986. Because of our experience, knowledge, and high standards of quality and service we are dedicated to helping our clients be the most successful businesses in Central and Southern Indiana. We have extended our service to the Bloomington area, so visit us at our East Winslow address.
New rescue plan extends expired tax breaks...
President Bush signed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008...
Employee embezzlement: Are you taking steps to prevent...
Employee embezzlement and other forms of theft often follow a predictable pattern...
Act fast to identify ways to reduce your 2008 tax bill Year-end is fast approaching, but it's not too late to reduce your 2008 taxes...
Recent housing law includes tax changes The Housing Assistance Act of 2008, part of the housing bill signed into law on July 30, includes two homeowner-targeted provisions that may benefit you - and one that could hurt...
Bedford: 1509 J Street, Bedford, IN 47421- P.O. Box 1148, Bedford, IN 47421
Bloomington: 357 East Winslow Road, Bloomington, IN 47401