Welcome to the Website of the Mt.
Tabor Presbyterian Church!
Located in New Albany, Indiana,
Mt. Tabor has been providing a
church family for all for the
celebration of God's love for over
one hundred years.
We believe that God's will, for the
Mount Tabor Presbyterian Church,
is to be a warm and inviting
community of faith brought together
in meaningful worship and spiritual
growth. This belief allows us to be
shepherded by Christ as we live our
lives in fellowship with one another
and in service to those in need
Happenings - Calendar and eventsEducation - Sunday School newsWee-Care - Affordable Day CarePhoto Tour - See the ChurchPhoto Gallery - Fun PhotosMusic - Choir and Praise EnsembleHistory of Mt. Tabor
Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.Church School: 11:15 a.m.
Communion 1st Sunday of each month
Rev. Jack Cormack, Pastor
918 Mt.Tabor Rd. -- New Albany, IN 47150 -- (812) 944-7858mttabor@taborchurch.org