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Meeting the challenge of unconventional gas
As technological advancements enable operators to exploit vast global resources of unconventional gas they also have to be aware of the sensitivities involved in obtaining it. How do you manage some of the most sensitive environmental and social issues to ensure projects are both acceptable to stakeholders and sustainable?
Business Challenge: Manage soil and ground water environmental issues at an oil refinery in Australia for Shell
ERM is assisting Shell develop a more holistic understanding of the nature and extent, fate and transport, and associated potential risks from contamination and is also helping to implement controls and remediation where warranted to mitigate potential exposure to receptors.
ERM prepares CDP's first water disclosure report revealing water constraints are now a boardroom issue for global corporations
ERM helps draft EIA technical guideline for all new construction, renovation and expansion projects in the pesticides industry in China
Update on Carbon Footprinting work in Indonesia