We currently manage properties in Indiana where we offer a vast array of services from conventional, tax credit financed and government insured rental apartments, townhomes and assisted living communities. We also handle select single-family rental homes and condominium developments.
The RMC staff has implemented effective marketing concepts, financial controls, staff training programs, a state of the art computerized accounting system, a computer link to HUD's TRAC reporting system, top-notch maintenance programs and tenant sensitive housing policies. The mark of true professionalism is the quality of service offered, the timeliness of response and the success of each property managed.
The RMC team of carefully trained professionals is dedicated to providing the finest service available to both residents and owners. Our entire staff is dedicated to meeting the service needs of each person living in our managed properties, with a true concern for their well-being.
Management with a caring attitude encourages tenants to show pride in their residences and promotes a stable, economically viable community.
Real Property Management of NW Indiana is the place to turn when you are in need if a reliable and professional property management company. http://www. nwindiana. realpropertymgt. com/