COAT DRIVE - The United Methodist Men will be having their coat drive, starting November 8th and running through December 6th. Please bring your clean and gently used coats to the church during that time. Men's coats will be donated to the Hammond Rescue Mission, and the women and children's coats will go to Sojourner House. Thank you for supporting this worthwhile project.
NEW MEMBERS - We warmly welcome the following new members of our church family: Nicole Avina, Mike and Holly Coddington, Bill Davidson, Nathan Laird, Marian Leonard, Barbara Slade, and Carol Vitello.
2011 STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN - Our 2011 Stewardship Campaign is off and running. Dan Legler and the Finance Committee wish to thank those of you who have prayed for guidance and submitted your commitment cards so early in our campaign. We want to remind those of you still contemplating your gift that you may either drop off your commitment card in the offering plate on Sunday or at the Church office. If you need a commitment card you will find them at the back of the sanctuary or in the church office.
The latest issue of "The Upper Room" is available at the back of the sanctuary