Quality Home Inspections provides high quality residential property inspections for buyers, sellers and investors. We specialize in single-family homes, condominiums, townhouses and multifamily units in Lake and Porter Counties.
With Quality Home Inspections, you will get a home inspector with not only experience in the home inspection field but with past experience in multiple trades. You will not be getting a part-time home inspector but a full-time inspector who concentrates on the needs of the customer and the home inspection process.
Here at Quality Home Inspections, we use software that gives the client the best report the industry has to offer. The report consists of checklists for quick information, narrative for detailed reporting, pictures for reference, and a summary page.
We would like to invite you to give us a call or E-mail us if you have any questions about our company or the house you are interested in buying or selling. The person answering the call will be knowledgeable in home inspections and will be able answer any questions you have at the time of your call.
Our goal at Quality Home Inspections is to give the best service for a reasonable price without losing the personal touch during the process.
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