1201 Cumberland Crossing Drive Valparaiso, IN 46383 (219)462-4185
Below are the businesses who graciously sponsored our Fall 2010 Program Brochure. Please frequent their business and mention the Y when you do!
( * denotes coupon or special offer)
Dawn Collins/Century 21 Executive Realty
Valparaiso Family YMCA on Facebook
We're Strongbow Inn's Charity of the Month!
Ask for the Charity Menu and 10% of your order will be donated back to the Y!
Our state-licensed ALLWays Learning Child Development Center has immediate full-time and part-time openings for children ages 12-24 months and 4-5 years. For a tour and to reserve your spot, call Carla or Shannon at 46-CHILD (462-4453).
ALLWays Learning Child Development Center and ALLWays Learning Preschool
Inclement Weather Closing Procedures
In the event the YMCA facility OR our child care/preschool programs close due to severe inclement weather, an announcement will be made here, on Facebook and Twitter, and on Indiana 105.5.
In our commitment to serve our members and community, the Valparaiso Family YMCA facility rarely closes. Our school-age child care and preschool programs follow the Valparaiso Community Schools. When VCS closes, there will be no school-age and preschool programming.
NOTE: Child Watch does remain open when the YMCA is open.
The YMCA relies on the service of our volunteers. We currently have openings in all program areas, including Child Watch, Wellness, and Facility Tour Guides. If you have a few hours to share each week and would like to join a great group of people who help us meet our needs, please call Jodi Jackson at 462-4185 x. 233.
Serving Valparaiso, Indiana, and the surrounding townships, the Valparaiso Family YMCA has been a part of the community for more than 50 years. While we consider family our primary constituency, regardless of how it is defined, our programs and services are designed to meet the individual needs of children, teens, and adults of all ages. Membership and program participation is open to all people, regardless of their ability to pay, and we do not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, physical or mental ability, religion, or national origin.
has more than 14,000 members
serves more 365 children in our pre-school program
keeps more than 275 children active in summer camp
enrolls more than 1,000 children in youth sports
teaches more than 1,000 children to swim
sees more than 350 families enjoying family-centered events
provides after school care to more than 441 children
offers financial assistance for membership and program fees to more than 640 families
You must present a membership card or purchase a daily guest pass each time you visit the Y. Positive identification is required to purchase a daily guest pass.
Membership is not transferrable.
Some programs and classes are open to the public and do not require membership.
A parent must accompany children under 10 years if not enrolled in a class.
Parents with children are encouraged to use the individual Family Locker Rooms or the "Girls" or "Boys" side of the regular Locker Rooms.
The Y is not responsible for lost or stolen property and encourage you to use a lock on all lockers.
The Y is a tobacco-free environment.