Check Out Our New Daycare and Non-Daycare Boarding Pricing OPTIONS
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Adorable Pooches Palace of Evansville is a Cageless Boarding, Grooming and Daycare facility for dogs located in the North East side of Evansville, Indiana.
Our facility offers daycare and grooming services 6 days a week. Our facility offers
indoor and outdoor play areas which are not normally found in traditional kennels.
Customers can easily locate our facility from I-164, Green River, Burkhardt,
Morgan Avenue, and Old Booneville Road.
Adorable Pooches Palace is a brand new facility with over 5000 sq. ft. of interior
space. With 2.3 acres of total outdoor area, your pet will have plenty of room to
run and play. Our outdoor fenced-in area is equipped with plenty of toys,
playground equipment, and wading pools
There is plenty of supervised time to enjoy all of our amenities. Our cageless
boarding suites offer a comfortable area for your dog to sleep as well as room
for them to move around and not feel confined.
Adorable Pooches Palace is dedicated to giving your pet the care and attention
that will make their stay as enjoyable as possible until your return. Each guest
will reside in a clean facility and will be supervised by a caring staff that will
provide individualized attention to their particular needs, health and well being
while in our care.
Our commitment to our customers is to provide a service that is affordable and
convenient with hours of operation that will allow for the owners and their pets
to be reunited as soon as possible. Our customers can be assured that our
facility will maintain the highest standards for cleanliness, safety and customer
**Be sure to come back and visit ADORABLEPOOCHESPALACE.COM as we are continually adding updates
and money saving specials!!!