Peters Body Shop AutoBody Collision Repair Specialists Direct Repair Shop
- 4392 Bluffton Rd Fort Wayne, IN 46809-1751
- (260) 747-7780
With the family-owned body shop as our headquarters, Crouse Body Shop &
- Warsaw, IN 46582-
- (574) 269-3339
Complete Paint and Body Service
Auto Detailing
Exact Color Match Painting
All-Auto Motor Specialists
All Mechanical Repairs
- 279 E 250 N
- +1 (574) 269-3339
We are not a direct repair shop or program shop for any insurance company. You are the customer and we work for you, in your best interest.
- 201-1/2 S Michigan St Lakeville, IN 46536
- (574) 784-3070
Evansville's #1 Collision Repair center - Mills Body Shop and Glass
- 115 S Jaycee St Chandler, IN 47610-9578
- (812) 925-7811